Jp En



Designed by Riki Watanabe

RIKI ALARM CLOCK is beautifully harmonized with the dial plate using twelve figures to be high visibility and the simple form. The wooden and round frame body makes an impression to be light and soft.

NT, BW: Beauty of wood grain is the feature.
WH, GY : Delicate atmosphere with glossy finish is the feature.

Line up


  • WR09-15 NT

  • WR09-15 BW

  • WR09-14 WH

  • WR09-14 GY


Product Number WR09-15 NT / BW
WR09-14 WH / GY

Size w110×h115×d56mm
Weight 240g
Material Beech, ABS resin, Glass
Type Electronic sound alarm clock (4 steps low→high)
Features Alarm auto-stop function (automatically stops after about 5 minutes), Snooze Fanction, Light, Sweep second

(1911–2013) Graduated from the Woodwork Department of Tokyo High Polytechnic School. After working as an assistant professor at Tokyo High Polytechnic School and as an assistant in the Forestry Department at Tokyo Imperial University (the existing Tokyo University), he established Japan’s first design office, the RIKI WATANABE Design Office, in 1949. His main focus was the establishment of the Interior Architect Department at Tokyo Molding University, Craft Center Japan, Japan Industrial Designer Association and Japan Designers Committee. He designed the interior decor at the Keio Plaza Hotel, Prince Hotel, etc. and furniture such as the “Himo-Isu (Rope chair)” and “Trii-stool”. Moreover, from wall clocks and watches to a public clock called “Hibiya pole clock” at Dai-ichi Life Holdings in Hibiya district, his work on clocks and watches became his lifework. He received the Milano Triennale Gold Medal in 1957, the Mainichi Industrial Design Prize, Shiju hosho(the Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon), and many other awards/recognitions. In 2006, the “Riki Watanabe – Innovation of Living Design” exhibition was held at the National Museum of Modern Art.